Company: Integral de Colombia I.P.S
Entry date: 10-2018
End date: 06-2021
Home hospitalization doctor for chronic patients, managing medical admission, evaluating the patient's clinical status, making visits and direct comprehensive care at home. Formulate medical indications and follow up, provide referral. And/or medical discharge, assessment and implement...
Read moreCompany: Fundación Clínica Campbell
Entry date: 06-2016
End date: 09-2018
Medical care in the emergency service and hospitalization of III level of complexity. Specialized in orthopedics and traumatology and other disciplines of medical science, of medium and high complexity whose fundamental principle is to provide safe, timely and humanized medical care....
Read moreCompany: Alcaldía de Barranquilla
Entry date: 21-04-2016
End date: 30-06-2016
Social welfare project for the elderly in the city of Barranquilla - Colombia. Medical care for the elderly participating in the project through scheduled medical consultations, keeping a statistical record of promotion and prevention activities, making referrals of the elderly to spec...
Read moreCompany: Hospital departamental juan dominguez romero
Entry date: 03-2016
End date: 05-2016
Medical assistance in the emergency department, rotating night shifts, evaluation and triage, diagnosis, stabilization of critical patients....
Read moreCompany: Cs Silos
Entry date: 20-06-2015
End date: 26-02-2016
Provision of health services in the emergency area, outpatient consultation, medical-legal autopsy practices, epidemiological surveillance in all those situations that are a risk factor in the assigned population of Norte de Santander, evaluate the activities and impact of the provisio...
Read moreCompany: E.S.E Hospital local de concordia
Entry date: 9-2-2015
End date: 3-6-2015
Provision of health services in the emergency area, outpatient consultation, medical-legal autopsy practices, programming, supervision, evaluation and control of health activities....
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